Why are we called The Mischief?
05 Jun 3301Forum: Traveller_GGA few idle thoughts:
Did you know a group of rats is called a mischief? How utterly appropriate
The aglie kangaroo rat's taxonomy is Dipodomys agilis. Given our willingness to jump great distances I can't help but think this would be a suitable Latinnamefor the group. We need shoulder patches!!
If someone posted that they were out of fuel and a nearby rat jumped to help, but it turned out to be a pirate; would this be a Rat Trap (and you've been caught)
What's the obsession with Snickers?
28 Jun 3301CMDR Surly BadgerToday, one of the Fuel Rats was attacked while attempting to deliver fuel for a rescue.
We all knew that something like this could happen. We had a bit of coordination to do back at the Rat's Nest and the CMDR who was surprised was replaced with avolunteer hostage, CMDR Domaq.
The pirates' demand was 200t of platinum. Our counter-offer was that we'd take him back if they gave us 100t of gold and 3 Snickers Bars. CMDR Domaq did his bestto be an annoying rat, but eventually the pirates got as bored of us as we were of them, and opened fire on Domaq. CMDR Chance also attempted to join as a hostagebut experienced instancing problems, then finally arrived in time to get shot down to 80% hull.We appreciate and applaud the actions of both the Fuel Rat who responded in good faith to what turned out to be a trap, and to CMDRs Domaq and Chance who wentand stuck their noses back into the trap to demonstrate the fearless sense of humor of the Fuel Rats!
We cannot be "The Good Guys" if we take sides, assemble war-fleets, blacklist people who don't play the way we want. Their actions speak for themselves: trappingsomeone who came to help with a war-fleet that outnumbers them. Our actions speak for us, as well:
- We have Fuel
- You don't
- Any questions?
Any other response eventually turns us into a War-Guild, or an extortion racket - or encourages more pirates to amuse themselves by wasting their time and ours.
In other words, today's incident changes nothing. To change our behaviors at all would make us less than we are, right now. Let's not do that.
We come with fuel (and hopefully guns and shields) but we come to help not make war. If we're attacked,run away.When you're not being a Fuel Rat, behave however you like, on your own, but please - if you're responding to the Rat-Signal - rise above; we're here to help.
If you need fuel, just holler.
Want to know more about the history of the Fuel Rats? We have a more in-depth history available on our knowledge base.